Today we will talk about how you can get rid of parasites in the human body using folk remedies. Unfortunately, many patients seek medical help too late, without paying due attention to the diagnosis and treatment of this problem. Meanwhile, parasites that live in the human body cause great damage to his health and worsen his well -being.
Types of parasites
Medicine knows more than 250 types of parasitic organisms from which people suffer. Parasites differ from each other in structure, size, favorite localization in the human body, clinical manifestations during infection. But they all have one thing in common: nutrition at the expense of their carriers. Parasites that live in the gastrointestinal tract are very destructive.
Of these, the most common:
- Ringworm that causes ascariasis. It is a common parasite (according to statistics, about 50 million cases of infection are diagnosed worldwide each year). The habitat of worms in the human body is the small intestine. The length of an adult can reach more than 40 cm.
- Ankylostoma is a ringworm that also lives in the intestine. It is widespread among the population of tropical countries.
- Giardia are protozoa that live and operate in the human heart. They are most common in young children.
- Wide tapeworm - a tapeworm that can reach 10 meters. Its lifespan is up to 25 years. It lives in the small intestine.
- Pinworm is a small roundworm (less than 1 cm) also a parasite in the human intestine.
- Toxocars are helminths that cause serious conditions with allergy symptoms. This parasite usually attacks children between the ages of 1 and 4 years.
- Chains (beef and pork) - long (4-10 m) tapeworms. If left untreated, adults reach the age of 20 years.
Infection with parasites often occurs due to lack of personal hygiene and violation of the rules of cooking technology.Those who frequently forget to wash their hands, fruits or vegetables are at high risk. There is a threat of helminth eggs entering the body when using unprepared animal products, especially meat.
Another common route of infection is through contact with pets, including kittens. It is important to remember that after communicating with them, you must wash your hands with soap and never kiss the animal.
It is possible to determine the type of organism that has settled in the human gastrointestinal tract after passing the necessary tests. Then the attending physician prescribes special therapy, although many patients prefer to get rid of parasites in the body with folk remedies.
Symptoms of infection
What are the signs that one should suspect that "uninvited guests" have appeared in the gastrointestinal tract and begin to look for appropriate ways to treat them? The clinical manifestations largely depend on the stage of disease development, the characteristics of the human body and the type of parasite. Common symptoms include:
- recurrent nausea or vomiting;
- general weakness and increased fatigue;
- dizziness;
- sudden changes in weight (both weight loss and weight gain);
- discomfort and pain in the epigastric region;
- intestinal disorders (diarrhea or constipation);
- deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
Parasites that infect the human body consume tissues and nutrients in the body. As a result, it does not receive the required amount of micro and macro elements, which inevitably leads to a deterioration in the general condition. After conducting laboratory tests, you can confirm or deny the fact of infection with parasites.
Treatment with folk remedies
Getting rid of parasites with folk remedies is based on the special effect on them of certain substances, especially of natural origin. Before starting such treatment, it is useful to consult with your doctor about the use of this or that method.
Hilda Clark's method
Hilda Clarke is a renowned medical practitioner and scientist specializing in parasitology. He believes that most diseases that are known to be difficult to treat are the result of infection with pathogenic organisms. Thus, he developed his own unique way to combat human parasites, which are now known around the world.
This method consists of the use of a special complex of herbal medicines. It has three components:
- alcoholic tincture of unripe walnut bark (if necessary, it can be replaced with a "pharmaceutical" balm with a similar composition and active ingredient);
- wormwood (dried raw material);
- Clove flowers, known as fragrant spices and sold in grocery stores (they can be ground in a coffee grinder, blender or spice mortar).
To make a tincture that gets rid of parasites at home, you need green shells from 15 unripe walnuts. They are washed, poured into 0. 5 liters. vodka or medical alcohol, which must first be diluted to 45-50 °. The resulting composition must be infused in direct sunlight (for example, on the south window) for 30 days. The product is ready to be stored only in a dark place.
This tincture (or balm) should be taken in the morning before the first meal. On the first day, 1 drop of the drug is diluted in 100 ml of cold water and drunk, and then it is prescribed to increase the dose with daily decreases. After 6 days, and then you need to take already 2 teaspoons. The course of treatment is one year, although the death of the parasite occurs earlier.
Dried wormwood is taken in the evening before dinner in powder form, which is washed down with a glass of water. Reception scheme:
- 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th day-(0. 2-0. 3 g) raw material;
- 2nd (0. 4-0. 6 g), 4th (0. 6-0. 9 g), 6th (0. 8-1. 2 g), 8th (1-1, 5 g), 10th (1. 2-1. 8 g) and 12th (1. 4-2. 1).
Thereafter, wormwood is taken as a prophylactic agent for a year in a minimum daily dose before the last meal (1. 4-2. 1 g).
Ground cloves should be drunk three times a day, half an hour before meals. On the first day - half a gram, on the second - 1 g and from 3 to 10 days - one and a half grams. After the expiration of 10 days, it is taken once a week for a year to consolidate the effects.
Another way to help get rid of parasites in the body using folk methods is to use a trio of other plant components. It is adapted to the conditions of the central zone, where walnuts do not grow and their unripe fruit can be a problem to get. In this recipe, tansy takes their place.
For treatment you need:
- dry tansy - 100 g;
- dried wormwood - 25 g;
- cloves, ground - 50 g.
All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and stored in a dry jar in a dark place. One dose of this mixture is 1. 75 grams. Tansy is quite toxic, so it is important to determine exactly the amount of medication to take, and this requires a pharmaceutical scale.
On the first day, the drug is taken only in the morning, at least 30 minutes before meals. On the second - before breakfast and dinner. On the third and subsequent - 3 times a day (before breakfast, lunch and dinner). The duration of treatment is usually only a week. Contraindications: gastric ulcer, erosive gastritis.
Alternative recipes for "triplets"
This is another relatively effective home remedy for parasite control. To prepare the medicine, you need to take:
- cumin seeds - 1 part;
- calendula flowers ("medicinal marigolds") ground - 2 parts;
- crushed rhizomes of marsh calamus - 1 part.
All components must be thoroughly mixed. This natural preparation is used in the same dosage and according to the same scheme as the classical triad.
Another popular way to combat parasites
In folk medicine, there is a whole list of ways to get rid of parasites in the intestine. For this, various materials are used, the most effective and popular are:
- Food clay, white or blue-white (available at your pharmacy). Such antiparasitic therapy will be very beneficial for patients with increased gastric acidity.
For treatment, it is necessary to prepare a solution of clay in a glass of water. After thorough stirring, the preparation should settle until sediment settles to the bottom and resembles milk in appearance. Such folk remedies are taken twice a day - in the morning 20 minutes before meals and in the evening before bedtime. In this case, precipitate is not used.
The treatment period is usually 30 days. At the same time, clay is a good adsorbent, which helps remove toxins from the human body.
- Cinnamon is a well -known spice that is also unacceptable to most parasites in the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent infection with them, spices are added to cereals, desserts, and coffee. For treatment, it is taken in small doses (about 1/8 teaspoon) two to three times a day 30 minutes before meals for a month.
- Kerosene is refined (dripped on a piece of refined sugar and eaten). You should start with 2 - 3 drops, gradually increasing the dose to 1 teaspoon. The drug is also taken in the morning, immediately after waking up. The course of treatment is a month.
- Herbs such as wormwood, tansy, and yarrow; including ready -made payments sold in pharmacies. They should be prepared and eaten according to the instructions on the package.
It is necessary to approach treatment with folk remedies with great responsibility. Some methods have contraindications, such as pregnancy. You should be careful when using alcohol tincture. In a special risk group are people who are allergic to certain types of plants and have individual intolerance.
With the right approach, you can cleanse your body of parasites without using the help of pharmacological drugs. If the condition cannot be reduced, then you should consult your doctor and choose a traditional method of treatment.